Kompleksnaya terapiya pri aterogennoydislipidemii i nealkogol'noy zhirovoybolezni pecheni

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Summary. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the major components of the metabolic syndrome.
NAFLD is now recognized as one of the major cardiovascular risk factors since cholesterol synthesis takes place in
the liver. In this connection, to choose hypolipidemic therapy that has well-known hepatotoxic effects is an intricate
problem. Of great importance in the pathogenesis of NAFLD is the impaired colonic microflora and hence elevated
levels of microbial waste products (short-chain fatty acids, endotoxin, nitric oxide), which should be also
kept in mind when treating atherogenic dyslipidemia. Statin + probiotic combination therapy used in patients with
NAFLD and atherogenic dyslipidemia is more effective than monotherapy in reducing the levels of cholesterol and
intestinal microflora metabolism products.


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